Maurizio Visits the Desideri Factory

Maurizio Visits the Desideri Factory

The Cialde di Montecatini are a golden disc full of taste any more vanilla scent, the dessert par excellence of Montecatini Terme , a spa town in the heart of the Valdinievole.
The recipe has an ancient history and comes from afar, but the ingredients have not changed over time, the same ones that are used to make a good homemade cake.
Flour , milk and eggs give life to the sheets, very thin and fragrant, finely stamped with one of the symbols of the beautiful Tuscan spa town. In the center, a grain of sugar , almonds and vanilla . Two hot plates assemble the sheets and their precious filling in a sweet embrace.
The Cialde di Montecatini, according to the classic recipe
They are the ideal accompaniment to tea and coffee. They go wonderfully with chocolate. But you can’t help but eat them with ice cream
Brigidino di Lamporecchio , “a sweet or rather a special treat in Tuscany where to be at all the country fairs and parties… ”as Pellegrino Artusi defines him in“ Science in the kitchen ”.
The recipe of Brigidino di Lamporecchio is simple, consisting of only four ingredients: eggs (those of Desideri are fresh and km 0), flour (Flour, with a capital letter, Desideri uses type 1 flour), sugar (Italian) and anise.